Dr Christian aired on CBS Radio from November 7, 1937, to January 6, 1954. In 1956, the series was adapted for television where it aired in syndication until 1957. Dr. Christian practiced in the Midwest town of River's End with the assistance of Nurse Judy Price (Rosemary DeCamp, Lurene Tuttle, Kathleen Fitz, Helen Claire). With the opening theme music of "Rainbow on the River," Dr. Christian was introduced on CBS November 7, 1937, on The Vaseline Program, aka Dr. Christian's Office and later Dr. Christian, sponsored by Chesebrough Manufacturing Company's Vaseline [Petroleum Jelly, Hair Tonic, Lip Ice, etc.].
The small-town physician's good humor, innate common sense and scientific training helped drive off a series of villainous types who tried to interfere with the peaceful lifestyle of River's End, as well as dealing with personal problems among his many patients and the majority of those who lived in town.
ALAN'S HIDEAWAY "Episode 04"
A mixed bag of Alan's favorite selections from his library secured at a
Mexican hideaway in the Sierra Madre's. A collection from the 1940's to